Car Christians

Me concentro en seguir con mis rutinas de oración al Altísimo Padre Celestial YAHWEH día a día, de esta manera mantener a las presencias del enemigo fuera de mi entorno. Así también masifico en la medida de mis posibilidades, advertir sobre la falsa...

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A GOD loving Christian man that accepted Jesus as his personal lord and saviour right from his mother’s womb, a man passionate about sharing the word of God and living to please Christ and loving thy neighbour as thyself. I’m passionate about our...

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Caigo bien, me gusta mucho escuchar a la gente, me duele mucho la crueldad en toda sus expresiones a los seres vivos. Tengo buen sentido del humor, soy muy sencillo, te invito a conocerme. "El hombre que halla esposa encuentra un tesoro,y recibe el...

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Child of God, down to earth, humorous, hard working, loving, put others before myself, love the outdoors, and love a quiet evening with that special someone. :)

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Hi Ladies I Am Shannon Donaldson. I am 28 years old. I have been in church since I was 8 years old. I have had the holy ghost since I was 10 years old. I love being outdoors weither it be taking care of the lawn, just being outside taking in all the...

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