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Rochester, Michigan | Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je me décrirais comme
My friends and family would describe me as generous, committed, old-fashion(in a good way)fun-loving, kind hearted, and willing to try anything. Independent yet likes a little care. I enjoy all sports from clay pigeon shooting to swimming in the ocean. I believe that God has a plan for all and that trying to plan and control each day is a waste of time as it is planned for us!! I love to workout and also hang out with my sisters~family is very important yet doesn't interfer with my relationships/decisions. I travel quite frequently.My family would say I am frugal with myself but not others. I hate to shop and if I do it is usually at an outdoor mall so I can get a breath of air from being trapped inside! I love life and am content with who I am in many ways, I don't try to keep up with the Jones's but also don't judge my friends who do. I love the simplicity of life without complications but when I hit a bump I don't quit!! I want someone who wants to experience new things and isn't afraid to try something as ask for help!!!

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est
Ma taille est
5' 2 (1.57 m)
Mes yeux sont
Mon origine ethnique est
Ma situation maritale est
J'ai des enfants
Oui - parfois chez moi
Je veux des enfants
Pas sûr/e
Ce que j'ai de mieux
Art Corporel
Oreilles percées
Mes cheveux sont
Bruns foncés
J'en ai 1 ou plus
Pas d'animaux
Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs


Mon niveau d'éducation est
Diplôme d'études supérieures
Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est
Mon domaine de compétence est
Professeur / Education
Mon titre de fonction est
First Grade Teacher~All Subject Areas
J'ai gagné cette année
De 60,000 € à 74,999 €
Je vis
Chez moi
C'est plutôt calme
Je fume
Je bois de l'alcool
Oui - socialement


Au lycée, j'étais un/e
Socialement, je suis plutôt
Sympa, Séducteur, Ouvert
Mes passions et loisirs sont
Faire de l'exercice, Sports, Lecture, Apprendre, Danse, Famille, Dîner , Religion/Spiritualité, Voyages, Jardinage, Camper, Pêche / Chasse
Un bon moment pour moi c'est
Sortir avec des amis, Rester à la maison, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Me relaxer, Sports extrêmes, Lire, Aller à un concert
Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait
ideal first date would be an active indoor or outdoor sport to engage in conversation and to laugh!! Sitting at a dinner your always both uncomfortable all dressed up and doing an activity is an ice-breaker and then dinner or bbq after is great!!
J'ai toujours voulu essayer
I have always wanted to go on an African Safari, House Boat vacation, Skydiving and White Water Rafting. I have seen much of the caribbean but want to explore more then just getting a TAN!!
Mes amis me décrivent comme
Sympa, La personne qu'ils aimeraient être, Un amour

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma Dénomination est
Sans qualificatif
Je vais à la messe
Une fois par semaine
Mon but dans la vie c'est
I wanna be remembered as a fun loving well rounded female who cared for other people as well as took care of herself!! It's not the things you leave behind it the actions you leave and memories!!
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt
Sympa, Neuneu


A la télévision, je regarde
Drames, Films
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours
Action, Comédies, Romantiques, Drames, Famille, Thrillers
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est
Country, Rock, Pop
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est
Fantaisie, Santé, Sports
Mon idée du fun
My idea of fun is doing anything that makes you think and laugh at the same time. Trying something new and finding that inner child that we all have but yet haven't hoola hooped in awhile!! I can literally sit on a fishing boat and not catch fish as long as I am surrounded by great people and laughter. I love to try anything and fun can be as simplistic as enjoying one anothers conversation!!

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?
Intelligence, Beauté, Humour, Empathie, Audace, Spontanéité, Bon sens, Délicatesse
Que recherchez-vous?
I look for a confidant male who not only knows who he is but is comfortable in all situations and when in an uncomfortable situation makes a decision and is ok with it. I don't want to become a "mom" to my man so many women step on their mans choices and then they wonder why they do everything in the house, its cuz women try to control everything. I do want to have an argument to express eachothers views, because always giving in isn't good but yet compromise need to be made in all relationships!
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?